Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Linus Pauling

Site of the day: http://pimm.wordpress.com/

About Linus Pauling

Linus Carl Pauling was born in Portland, Oregon, on 28th February, 1901, the son of a druggist, Herman Henry William Pauling, who, though born in Missouri, was of German descent, and his wife, Lucy Isabelle Darling, born in Oregon of English-Scottish ancestry.
Linus attended the public elementary and high schools in the town of Condon and the city of Portland, Oregon, and entered the Oregon State College in 1917, receiving the degree of B.Sc. in chemical engineering in 1922. During the years 1919-1920 he served as a full-time teacher of quantitative analysis in the State College, after which he was appointed a Teaching Fellow in Chemistry in the California Institute of Technology and was a graduate student there from 1922 to 1925, working under Professor Roscoe G. Dickinson and Richard C. Tolman. In 1925 he was awarded the Ph.D. (summa cum laude) in chemistry, with minors in physics and mathematics.
Since 1919 his interest lay in the field of molecular structure and the nature of the chemical bond, inspired by papers by Irving Langmuir on the application of the Lewis theory of the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms to many substances. In 1921 he suggested, and attempted to carry out, an experiment on the orientation of iron atoms by a magnetic field, through the electrolytic deposition of a layer of iron in a strong magnetic field and the determination of the orientation of the iron crystallises by polishing and etching the deposit, and microscopic examination of the etch figures. With Professor Dickinson, he began in 1922 the experimental determination of the structures of some crystals, and also started theoretical work on the nature of the chemical bond.
Since his appointment to the Staff of California Institute of Technology, Professor Pauling was elected Research Associate in 1925; National Research Fellow in Chemistry, 1925-1926; Fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 1926-1927 (through this last he worked in European Universities with Sommerfeld, Schrödinger, and Bohr); Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 1927-1929; Associate Professor, 1929-1931; Professor, 1931, when he was the first recipient of the American Chemical Society Award in Pure Chemistry - the Langmuir Prize - and Chairman of the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and Director of the Gates and Crellin laboratories of Chemistry, 1936-1958. In 1963, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Pauling is a member of numerous professional societies in the U.S.A. as well as in many European countries, India, Japan and Chile. Awards, medals, and honorary degrees were showered upon him in America and Europe, and in addition he was elected Rationalist of the Year for 1960 and Humanist of the Year for 1961. Several books have come from his pen, ranging from his most famous one The Nature of the Chemical Bond, and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals (1939, 1949, 1960) via General Chemistry (1947, 1953), which was translated into nine languages, to No More War! (1958, 1959,1962).
The subjects of the papers he published reflect his great scientific versatility: about 350 publications in the fields of experimental determination of the structure of crystals by the diffraction of X-rays and the interpretation of these structures in terms of the radii and other properties of atoms; the application of quantum mechanics to physical and chemical problems, including dielectric constants, X-ray doublets, momentum distribution of electrons in atoms, rotational motion of molecules in crystals, Van der Waals forces, etc.; the structure of metals and intermetallic compounds, the theory of ferromagnetism; the nature of the chemical bond, including the resonance phenomenon in chemistry; the experimental determination of the structure of gas molecules by the diffraction of electrons; the structure of proteins; the structure of antibodies and the nature of serological reactions; the structure and properties of hemoglobin and related substances; abnormal hemoglobin molecules in relation to the hereditary hemolytic anemias; the molecular theory of general anesthesia; an instrument for determining the partial pressure of oxygen in a gas; and other subjects.
Pauling married Ava Helen Miller of Beaver Creek, Oregon, in 1923. She is of English-Scottish and German descent. They have four children, Linus (Carl) Jr. (1925), Peter Jeffress (1931), Linda Helen (1932) and Edward Crellin (1937), and thirteen grandchildren.

From Nobel Lectures, Chemistry 1942-1962, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1964

Linus Pauling died on August 19, 1994.

General Chemistry by Linus Pauling (this book is really something to start with):

Linus Pauling and the peace movement: http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/conversations/Pauling/pauling1.html

Linus Pauling research notebooks:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

World Crisis Is Here

Site of the day: http://www.digitaluniverse.net/

Fasten now, it will be a rough ride.
I think you should always have Plan B in your financial matters. Try not to put all the eggs in one basket. Fact is, nobody knows what is going to happen - so-called 'experts' less than anybody. I think that real expertise in economical matters is 'extremely improbable'.

What Is Important

Site of the day: http://www.digitaluniverse.net/

I think you should always read manuals on complex devices...

List Of Books On Molecular Biology

Site of the day: http://www.digitaluniverse.net/


On Molecular Biology:

1. Molecular Cell Biology by Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Paul Matsudaira, Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Matthew P. Scott, Lawrence Zipursky, James Darnell

2. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts Et Al., James D. Watson

3. Biochemistry, 5th Ed. by Lubert Stryer, Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko
4. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Fourth Edition by David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox

On Developmental Biology:

5. Developmental Biology by Scott F. Gilbert

On cell cultures:

6. Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique, 4th Edition by R. Ian Freshney

On in silico research:

7. Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications by Daan Frenkel, Berend Smit

8. Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications (2nd Edition) by Andrew Leach

9. Computational Chemistry Using the PC by Donald W. Rogers

10. Computational Chemistry: A Practical Guide for Applying Techniques to Real World Problems by David Young

11. Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals by Richard P. Feynman, A. R. Hibbs


http://www.amazon.com/Molecular-Cell-Biology-Harvey-Lodish/dp/0716743663 http://www.whfreeman.com/lodish/
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Biochemistry-5th-Ed-Lubert-Stryer/dp/0716746840 http://www.amazon.com/Biochemistry-Lubert-Stryer/dp/071673687X
http://www.amazon.com/Developmental-Biology-Scott-F-Gilbert/dp/08789325850 http://www.sinauer.com/detail.php?id=250
http://www.amazon.com/Computational-Chemistry-Practical-Applying-Techniques/dp/0471333689 http://books.google.com/books?id=-pn8K53IUqgC&dq=Young+Computational+chemistry.+A+Practical+Guide+for+Applying+Techniques+to+Real-World&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=xWh6TBZyUU&sig=pVoXWCbFtnTvQ1CKRcBR0GYHg2Q&hl=ru&ei=CxCeSdWwNoiKjAfZicXbCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=2&ct=result

Or should I say - just Google it? (This makes sense).

Oh, and don't trust everything that is written. There is always enough place for some mindwork.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

List Of Chemical Companies

Site of the day: http://www.wired.com/

Tools: enzymes, proteases and so on...
Clontech - http://www.clontech.com/
Promega Corporation - http://www.promega.com/
Fermentas - http://www.fermentas.com/
Sileks - http://www.sileks.com/
Invitrogen - http://www.invitrogen.com/
Amresco - http://www.amresco-inc.com/
Sigma-Aldrich - http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/
Helicon - http://www.helicon.ru/

This list can be continued...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Site of the day: http://timtux.net/

This soft is well worth trying.
Live Linux distribution with Tor installed:

Netcat For Windows

Site of the day: http://timtux.net/

Netcat is a nice tool for engineering outgoing packets in any TCP or UDP connection.
The original version of netcat is a UNIX program. Its author is known as *Hobbit*. He released version 1.1 in March 1996.
It also can be found here:
Up-to-date *NIX versions can be found easily by search.